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Ammunition - 2018 - Ammunition

Kategori: Recension

  1. Time
  2. Freedom Finder
  3. Virtual Reality Boy
  4. Gung Ho (I Told You So)
  5. Eye For An Eye
  6. Tear Your City Down
  7. Caveman
  8. Wrecking Crew
  9. Miss Summertime
  10. Bad Bones
  11. Klondike

 This is the second release from Norwegian band Ammunition. Just like the debut “Shanghaied” singer Stig-Åge has taken the rock n roll parts of Wig Wam´s music to his current band and evolved it into great rocking tracks with big sing along choruses and catchy melodies. This deal might be a little more polished and not so rough around the edges as it´s predecessor. But not in a way that makes it in any way boring or dull. It´s an excellent album that the boys bring us.

 This self titled new album has a big given single in “Wrecking Crew”, witch was a contender in the Norwegian Eurovision Song Contest tryout and finished in third place. It´s an awesome tune with that extremely big sing along chorus. Not that the other songs on the album ain´t a good as this one, but I guess this one was written with the purpose to stick in people´s mind and make them hum and sing along. I would say that it was a big success in that way.

 But there are more song that makes that to you on this one. Such songs as “Bad Bones”, “Tear Your City Down”, “Miss Summertime” and “Freedom Finder” really sticks like glue. All I can say is that this is all fillers and no killers.

 If you have missed out on this band I strongly urge you to give them a listen and give them a chance. You got two great album to take to your hearts.

Label - Frontier Music
Writer - Peter Grahn
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